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Hi, I'm Karin

Zarter Stoff
I first came into contact with coaching when I started my own business after studying architecture and interior design. I was immediately hooked. The playful way of dealing with one's own obstacles and goals inspired me spontaneously. The exciting journey into my inner worlds and spaces had begun.

However, for the next 17 years, as the owner of an exhibition design studio my main occupation was more concerned with external spaces.

Meanwhile, in my free time, I became intensely interested in psychology & completed several coaching and therapy training courses in addition to a yoga teacher training course. I tried everything that fascinated me to the point of excess on myself. ... on the eternal search for a way that would help me to stop standing in my own way and to fill the burning emptiness that I felt deep inside.

A colleague in my Success Team finally asked me why I didn't turn my passion into a job. But first I had to work with my inner voices, which didn't believe in this alternative. In the meantime I had already got to know IFS and was in the process of making loving contact with my inner parts and communicating with them. I had eventually found an approach that helped me to feel a deep connection within myself. Finally the search was over.  

I completed my ongoing
IFS Training kicked all further exhibition design jobs to the curb and have been burning to accompany people with this magnificent method ever since.

Professional Training

  • Somatic IFS, Step 1
  • IFS Level 1 & 2 Practitioner (IFS Institute)
  • Client Centered Counselling by Carl Rogers
  • Systemic Therapy & Counselling
  • Brainspotting for therapy and coaching
  • Yin Yoga Teacher
  • Yoga Teacher
  • NLP Master DVNLP
  • NLP Practitioner DVNLP

    Long-time owner of the exhibition studio  raumarbeit.kunst&design I Spatial work and concepts for scenic spaces in the intermediate areas of stage design and architecture

Interior Design Szenography I Graduate Designer
Architecture I Graduate Engineer

What you'll get from me

I will be supporting you with IFS, a scientifically proven methodology that can bring about amazing change.

If necessary – and at your request – I will incorporate other methods such as mindfulness and bodywork. I am passionate about connecting you to your inner sources of power so that you can become more authentic and discover what you really want.
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